Sunday, 11 November 2012

Matching pair

Just a quick post this evening as I'm trying to spend more time actually making things rather than blogging about them, or reading other people's blogs about making things...Christmas deadlines and all that.

I'm not sure how successful I'll be at either thing as I'm easily distracted and I love reading everyone else's blogs for inspiration (and simple curiosity!) and I'm intending to head over to Handmade Harbour for a brief interlude.

However, I did say that I'd post the second of the mittens should I finish it this week.


It wasn't entirely plain sailing as I yet again failed to read the pattern properly and had to frog a few rows, and I also had to frog a few more rows due to forgetting to change colours for the stripes on one occasion.

Still, I'm quite pleased with the result and hope that they'll be a more successful Christmas present for the intended recipient than last year's hat, which was too small!

Happy Sunday!



  1. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I love your mittens. Your 'frogging' doesn't show in the photos :)

    Let me know if you try the Jumbo Crochet, I'd love to see what you make!

  2. The mittens look fab. Good luck with the more making/less blogging thing - not easy, I know!

  3. Your mittens look great. I love mittens on cords so they don't get lost. But what is frogging, I wonder.

  4. Pretty mittens, classic colour combination. xx

  5. Love 'em !!! I hear what your saying about making rather than posting ! I've had to get up early to do my blog wandering before I start cutting & sewing ! Have a lovely week x

  6. thanks all :)

    Ginx - 'frogging' means to rip out your knitting. I first came across the term in blogland and just went back to check I hadn't misused it (entirely possible) and found this definition

    I didn't know about 'tinking' - well, I did know about it, as I do quite a lot of it, but didn't know it had a name. Quite funny as my cat's nickname is Tink :)

    Anyway, work calls so the pleasures of blog wandering and crafting will have to wait for a hiss!

    Happy Monday! x

  7. Such a good idea for a present, kids are forever losing mittens! I need to make some of my little one and need to go on ravelry to find a pattern.

  8. They look *lovely*. I'm sure they'll be gratefully received! I keep making things I don't want to give away - and I'd certainly want to keep these!

  9. I think your mittens look cute. I like the stripes and the colours.

  10. Hiya, first comment from me via 'Handmade Monday' but wanted to say two things - the mittens look gorgeous! As I can't knit anything knitted appeals to me! Also I applaud your determination to keep the weight off (next post) - I've done something similar and slipped more than halfway backwards, but am also determined not to go back all the way to where I was. Good Luck! Simmi x

  11. Hi Simmi, thanks for your comments. Good luck with your weight loss 'journey' (not sure I like that term but it works). We'll get there! Hx
